Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, November 30, 2007

Mulkan & Immunization

On last Wednesday, baby Mulkan got his 4th-month immunization. Suprisingly, he did not cry at all.. Baby Ummi so strong... muah muah... But, his weight has not increased accordingly, his chart is below average (only 5.3 kg) .. I'm so worried.. However, the doctor said that it is not critical as long as the baby is happy... still I'm worried...

BTW, baby Mulkan can roll over perfectly now.. I'm thinking to start introducing solid food to him.. I'll find Gerber on the way home this evening.. Hopefully, he will gain weight after this...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Ada & Kutu

On last Friday, while sitting with Ada, suddenly I noticed nits on her hair... WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ayoooo.... that was the reason why she kept complaining her head and the back of her neck were itchy. AND most probably that was also the reason why I felt itchy too.... She must got that at the nursery...

Yesterday, I got my hair washed with a special syampoo to kill lice and nits... Ada tooo... I cannot tolerate this and I must complain this to the cikgu at the nursery...

Can we totally get rid those bugs with one wash only...??? I don't know but through my research, normally we need to repeat the treatment. I also find this interesting tips form the net: Erm.. mayonnaise seems useful at this moment... Maybe I'll give a try if the lice still on Ada's hair...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Detik-detik Terakhir di CSM

Just now, received a letter from HR: Acceptance of Resignation... Uwaa... Sedih lah pulak... Well, after 5 years being a part of the security society, now I'm leaving... Actually, I still have about 4 weeks before my last day which is 21st Dec...

Currently, work load is so sedikit.. Just assist team member here and there... and I've voluntered to do one last case.. So.. byk lah masa belajar mcm2 for my blog.. Hehee... and today berjaya put the tickers in my blog.. Weeewit... Hehee

Just got news from husband that we might get tickets to Perth in end of December.. So fast???? Erm... need to use gear 5 after this to settle everything...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hubby just got inspiration to get his body fit.. Suprisingly, he went to gym yesterday, so bersungguh2... I give him 5 stars for his enthusiasm, he even eats very little now.. Sometimes, I felt pity for him as he could not eat so much things.. No cholestrol no protein.. Then, what to eat??

Since we just have about 2 months left being in Malaysia, erm.. we are going to move to Perth, hubby wants to do his PhD, then hubby needs to works harder.. He targets to loss 10 kg in 2 months.. go go go... caiyook caiyook abang...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Open House

Have a family trip to attend open house.. Even though today is Deepavali, but still many Muslims buat open house as well...

Now at hubby's office... Browsing info for house rental at Perth..

Ops.. Baby Mulkan just got his head bold and cute... (hehee..) Will get his picture soon.. Kakak is so excited thinking we are going to "mainan" (playground lar..)

Ok.. got to attend the baby.. He starts to meragam...

Baby Mulkan before cukur

Baby Mulkan after cukur, ensem nyerr...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Welcome Speech

Wow... me blogging at last... Well, since I'll have a lot of time in the future.. it is good for me to have some thing like this..

Since this is the first post, let me introduce the heroes and heroins of my blog... jeng jeng jeng...

This is my buah hati Adawiyah... She is now 2 years and 5 months.. Learning to cakap but pelat2 lagi.. Enjoy to hear she mumbles...

This is my dearest Mulkan.. The youngest (at the moment larr)... He is just 3 and a half months...

Ok lah... just a beginning... To be continued tomorrow.